29 August 2017

Yet More Lightsaber of Doom!

Long-time readers may remember my lightsaber project from such entries as The Lightsaber of Doom and More Lightsaber of Doom! I'm not sure that I mentioned that my friend John Bump is helping me with the electronics.  A couple of weeks ago, he sent me a circuit board designed to fit inside the narrowest part of the saber, and asked me to test-fit it. Well, today, I finally had both time and gumption to do so.

First, the high-concept version:

And then, the important shots:

The edges of the board need to be a tiny bit narrower... I had to take some sandpaper to them to make them fit. Otherwise, it's smooth sailing, and the next test board will be functional. I guess I need to see about actually getting the sound board for this thing, hmm?

20 August 2017

The Bigger Giveaway of Dooooom!

In my previous entry, I mentioned that I had seen websites offering my book, Flowers of Luna as a free, downloadable PDF.  After talking with a few people, I discovered that many of these downloadable, pirated books contain malware. So I decided to do something about that.

Look, I get it.  I'm basically an unknown author.  And maybe you don't have Kindle Unlimited, which would make the book available to you without any further cost. And these economic times, they're hard.  So three clams seems like a lot to risk. And you think that you're not really hurting anyone if you download that free ebook, right? Wrong.  Here's who you're hurting:

You don't want those innocent and trusting little souls to go hungry, or cold, do you? But really, I'm going to meet you halfway.  You'd like to know what that means? You're waiting for me to get to the good part?  Okay.  Here it is: I'm giving away books.

Yes, yes, I know.  You just said, "Jenny, I know all about your Goodreads giveaway, but it's only five books, and over five hundred people have signed up! That's less than a one percent chance!"

And you're right.  So I've decided that, to celebrate my birthday, I'm going to make the eBook version of Flowers of Luna free.  On the day before my birthday, September 4, lasting until the day after my birthday, September 6, you can go to Amazon and download the eBook absolutely free, and without any taint of malware.  You're welcome.

Oh, and if you're asking, "what's the catch?" there's none, really.  But there is one teeny-tiny thing you could do for me in return.  Go back to Amazon after you've read the book, and rate it.  Not just stars at the end of the kindle file, go and rate it on the site.  Write a review, even if it's only, "Jenny is the greatest writer of ten thousand ages!" Post it. Thank you.