08 January 2018

Wrestling with the Angel

So, I'm wrestling with a concept, and I kind of need some feedback from you, my readers.  See, the thing is... one of my reviewers mentioned that he'd happily read Flowers of Luna all over again, if it was told from Hana's perspective.

And I've come to realize that if I had written the book from Hana's perspective in the first place, it would have been a better book. After all, as several people have pointed out, there's little external conflict in the story -- almost all of the conflict is internal to Hana, as she goes through one of the most basic struggles of Japanese literature: the struggle between what's right for her family / social group, and what's right for her.

So, on the one hand, I kind of feel like maybe I should crack open Hana's head and write inside of it. I think Hana's a lot less confident than she tries to appear, and my own anxiety gives me something of a window into that feeling.

On the other hand, I kind of feel like the story is done and told, and I should move on to something completely different -- the long-teased Little Sisters of the Dragonslayer, or The Delicate Art of the Sword, or... something. Anything but more Flowers of Luna.

So... wha'd'ya think?


grumpywitch said...

I do like the idea of a story from Hana's POV but I think I'd rather read the other stories you have floating around in your beautiful mind.

montuos said...

I've said before and I'll say again: I would love to read more stories in the Flowers of Luna setting. And, now that the thought has been presented, yes, I would be interested in seeing Hana's perspective.

That being said, if you don't feel called to write Hana's story, then don't. Spend your energy on the stories you do feel called to write.

Susan said...

The good thing about deciding not to write it is that you can come back later on and rethink that decision, if you have something you decide you want to use that book to convey. If you start it, and it doesn't go where you think it should, you've kind of X'd out that possibility, and may then take a while to come around to writing something else. My advice to people, generally, is to write what you WANT to write, and if there's another story that's more interesting to you right now, then write THAT one. =) To be honest, I've identified so completely with Ran, I don't really care what Hana thinks. LOL But I'm sure I'd enjoy it anyway.

Unknown said...

I'm a bit late to the party here, but I'd love to read the story from Hana's point of view. I really enjoy that type of revisiting of a story. (Like "Ender's Shadow" by Card...)